I am an Associate Professor at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu, where I belong to the Chair of Programming Languages in which I am a member of the Laboratory for Software Science (SWS).

My research is in programming language theory, where I am particularly interested in
  • dependent and refinement types,
  • computational effects (in particular, algebraic effects and effect handlers),
  • programming languages that include the above,
  • the use of such languages for writing verified software, and
  • the denotational and operational semantics of such languages.


  • Address: Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Delta Centre, Narva mnt 18, Tartu, Estonia
  • Room: 3020
  • E-mail: danel.ahman(at)ut.ee


  • Associate Professor of Programming Languages, Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia (January 2024 - ...)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (October 2021 - December 2023)
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Research Fellow, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (October 2019 - September 2021)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (October 2018 - September 2019)
  • Consulting Researcher, Microsoft Research Redmond, USA (May 2019 - June 2019)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Prosecco Team at Inria Paris, France (April 2017 - September 2018)
  • Research Intern, Microsoft Research Redmond, USA (May 2016 - August 2016)
  • Research Intern, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, USA (September 2014 - November 2014)
  • Research Intern, Institute of Cybernetics, Estonia (March 2011 - June 2011, June 2011 - September 2011)
  • Software Development Intern, Active Systems OÜ, Estonia (summers 2007 - 2010)


  • 2012 - 2017, PhD in Theoretical Computer Science, LFCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
    Thesis topic: Fibred Computational Effects
    Supervisor: Gordon Plotkin
    Examiners: Paul Blain Levy (external) and James Cheney (internal)
  • 2011 - 2012, MPhil in Advanced Computer Science (with Distinction), Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
    Dissertation topic: Computational effects, algebraic theories and normalization by evaluation
    Supervisor: Sam Staton
  • 2007 - 2010, BSc in Informatics (Cum Laude), Tallinn University of Technology



  • D. Ahman, A. Bauer. Comodule Representations of Second-Order Functionals. (pdf)
  • D. Ahman, G. Coraglia, D. Castelnovo, F. Loregian, N. Martins-Ferreira, Ü. Reimaa. Fibrations of algebras. (pdf)

Conference and journal papers

  • D. Ahman, G. Žajdela. A Stateful Time-Aware Operational Semantics for Temporal Resources
    In J. Gibbons, K.-B. Hou (Favonia), eds., Proc. of 10th Wksh. on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming, MSFP 2024 (Tallinn, July 2024), Electron. Proc. in Theor. Comput. Sci., to appear.
  • D. Ahman, M. Pretnar. Higher-Order Asynchronous Effects
    Logical Methods in Computer Science, v. 20, i. 3, article 26, 2024. (doi link , pdf)
  • D. Ahman. When Programs Have to Watch Paint Dry
    In O. Kupferman, P. Sobocinski, eds., Proc. of 26th Int. Conf. on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FoSSaCS 2023, v. 13992 of Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., pp. 1-23. Springer, 2023. (doi link , pdf , Agda formalisation)
  • D. Ahman, M. Pretnar. Asynchronous Effects
    Proc. ACM Program. Lang., v. 5, issue POPL, article 24, 2021. (doi link , pdf , Æff language , Agda formalisation , Docker image)
  • N. Swamy, A. Rastogi, A. Fromherz, D. Merigoux, D. Ahman, G. Martínez. SteelCore: An Extensible Concurrent Separation Logic for Effectful Dependently Typed Programs
    Proc. ACM Program. Lang., v. 4, issue ICFP, article 121, 2020. (doi link , pdf , paper page)
  • D. Ahman, A. Bauer. Runners in action
    In P. Müller, ed., Proc. of 29th Europ. Symp. on Programming, ESOP 2020, v. 12075 of Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., pp. 29-55. Springer, 2020. (doi link , pdf , Haskell-Coop , Coop)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. Decomposing comonad morphisms
    In M. Roggenbach, A. Sokolova, eds., Proc. of 8th Conf. Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, CALCO 2019 (London, June 2019), v. 139 of Leibniz Int. Proc. in Inf., pp. 14:1-14:19, Dagstuhl Publishing, 2019. (doi link)
  • K. Maillard, D. Ahman, R. Atkey, G. Martinez, C. Hritcu, E. Rivas, E. Tanter. Dijkstra Monads for All
    Proc. ACM Program. Lang., v. 3, issue ICFP, article 104, 2019. (doi link , pdf , F* code, Coq code)
  • G. Martínez, D. Ahman, V. Dumitrescu, N. Giannarakis, C. Hawblitzel, C. Hriţcu, M. Narasimhamurthy, Z. Paraskevopoulou, C. Pit-Claudel, J. Protzenko, T. Ramananandro, A. Rastogi, N. Swamy. Meta-F*: Proof Automation with SMT, Tactics, and Metaprograms
    In L. Caires, ed., Proc. of 28th Europ. Symp. on Programming, ESOP 2019 (Prague, April 2019), v. 11423 of Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., pp. 30-59. Springer, 2019. (doi link , pdf , paper page)
  • D. Ahman. Handling Fibred Algebraic Effects
    Proc. ACM Program. Lang., v. 2, issue POPL, article 7, 2018. (doi link , pdf , Agda code)
  • D. Ahman, C. Fournet, C. Hriţcu, K. Maillard, A. Rastogi, N. Swamy. Recalling a Witness: Foundations and Applications of Monotonic State
    Proc. ACM Program. Lang., v. 2, issue POPL, article 65, 2018. (doi link , pdf , paper page)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. Taking Updates Seriously
    In R. Eramo, M. Johnson, eds., Proc. of 6th Int. Wksh. on Bidirectional Transformations, BX 2017 (Uppsala, April 2017), v. 1827 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 59-73. CEUR-WS, 2017. (pdf)
  • D. Ahman, C. Hriţcu, K. Maillard, G. Martínez, G. Plotkin, J. Protzenko, A. Rastogi, and N. Swamy. Dijkstra Monads for Free
    In A. Gordon, ed., Proc. of 44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 2017 (Paris, January 2017), pp. 515-529. ACM, 2017. (doi link , pdf , paper page)
  • D. Ahman, N. Ghani, G. Plotkin. Dependent Types and Fibred Computational Effects
    In B. Jacobs, C. Löding, eds., Proc. of 19th Int. Conf. on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FoSSaCS 2016 (Eindhoven, April 2016), v. 9634 of Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., pp. 36-54. Springer, 2016. (doi link , pdf © Springer)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. Directed containers as categories
    In R. Atkey, N. Krishnaswami, eds., Proc. of 6th Wksh. on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming, MSFP 2016 (Eindhoven, April 2016), v. 207 of Electron. Proc. in Theor. Comput. Sci., pp. 89-98. Open Publishing Assoc., 2016. (doi link , pdf)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. Coalgebraic update lenses
    In B. Jacobs, A. Silva, S. Staton, eds., Proc. of 30th Conf. on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, MFPS XXX (Ithaca, NY, June 2014), Electron. Notes in Theor. Comput. Sci., v. 308, pp. 25-48. Elsevier, 2014. (doi link , pdf © Elsevier)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. Update Monads: Cointerpreting Directed Containers
    In R. Matthes, A. Schubert, eds., Post-proc. of the 19th Meeting "Types for Proofs and Programs", TYPES 2013, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, pp. 1-23, 2014. (doi link , pdf)
  • D. Ahman, S. Staton. Normalization by evaluation and algebraic effects
    In D. Kozen, M. Mislove, eds., Proc. of 29th Conf. on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, MFPS XXIX (New Orleans, LA, June 2013), v. 298 of Electron. Notes in Theor. Comput. Sci., pp. 51-69, Elsevier, 2013. (doi link , pdf © Elsevier , Agda code)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. Distributive laws of directed containers
    Progress in Informatics, v. 10, pp. 3-18, 2013. (doi link , pdf)
  • D. Ahman, J. Chapman, T. Uustalu. When is a Container a Comonad?
    Logical Methods in Computer Science, v. 10, n. 3, article 14, 2014. (doi link , pdf)
    Conference version in L. Birkedal, ed., Proc. of 15th Int. Conf. on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FoSSaCS 2012 (Tallinn, March 2012), v. 7213 of Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., pp. 74-88, Springer, 2012. (doi link , pdf © Springer , Agda code)
  • D. Ahman, M. Kääramees. Constraint-Based Heuristic On-line Test Generation from Non-deterministic I/O EFSMs
    In Alexander K. Petrenko and Holger Schlingloff, eds., Proc. of 7th Wksh. on Model-Based Testing, MBT 2012 (Tallinn, March 2012), Electron. Proc. in Theor. Comput. Sci., 80, pp. 115–129, Open Publishing Assoc., 2012. (doi link , pdf)


  • D. Ahman. Fibred Computational Effects
    PhD thesis, LFCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, 2017. (pdf , arXiv mirror , ERA mirror , abstract in JFP)
  • D. Ahman. Computational effects, algebraic theories and normalization by evaluation
    MPhil dissertation, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2012. (pdf)

Peer-reviewed extended abstracts

  • D. Ahman, A. Bauer. Comodule Representations of Second-Order Functionals
    30th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2024 (Copenhagen, June 2024) (pdf)
  • D. Ahman, M. Pretnar, J. Radešček. Higher-Order Asynchronous Effects
    9th ACM-SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects, HOPE 2021 (Online, August 2021) (pdf)
  • K. Maillard, D. Ahman, R. Atkey, G. Martinez, C. Hritcu, E. Rivas, E. Tanter. Dijkstra Monads for All
    25th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2019 (Oslo, June 2019)
  • G. Martínez, D. Ahman, V. Dumitrescu, N. Giannarakis, C. Hawblitzel, C. Hriţcu, M. Narasimhamurthy, Z. Paraskevopoulou, C. Pit-Claudel, J. Protzenko, T. Ramananandro, A. Rastogi, N. Swamy. ML as a Tactic Language, Again
    2018 ACM SIGPLAN ML Family Workshop, ML 2018 (St Louis (MO), September 2018)
  • D. Ahman, C. Fournet, C. Hritcu, K. Maillard, A. Rastogi, N. Swamy. Recalling a Witness
    6th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects, HOPE 2017 (Oxford, September 2017)
  • D. Ahman. Handling fibred algebraic effects
    6th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects, HOPE 2017 (Oxford, September 2017)
  • D. Ahman, G. Plotkin. Refinement Types for Algebraic Effects
    21st International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2015 (Tallinn, May 2015) (pdf)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. From Stateful to Stackful Computation
    3rd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects, HOPE 2014 (Gothenburg, August 2014)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. Coalgebraic update lenses
    20th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2014 (Paris, May 2014)
  • D. Ahman. Refinement Types and Algebraic Effects
    2nd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects, HOPE 2013 (Boston, MA, September 2013)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. Update Monads: Cointerpreting Directed Containers
    19th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2013 (Toulouse, April 2013)
  • D. Ahman, T. Uustalu. Distributive laws of directed containers
    11th Int. Wksh. on Coalgebraic Methods in Comput. Sci., CMCS '12 (Tallinn, March/April 2012)

Editorial activities

  • D. Ahman, A. Ahmed, S. Lindley, A. Rossberg, eds. Scalable Handling of Effects (Dagstuhl Seminar 21292)
    Dagstuhl Reports, Vol. 11, Issue 06, pp. 54–81, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2021. (doi link)

  Awards and funding

  • 2024, EuroProofNet COST Action CA20111 Short-Term Scientific Mission to University of Ljubljana (September 2024)
  • 2024, EuroProofNet COST Action CA20111 Short-Term Scientific Mission to University of Ljubljana (February - March 2024, link)
  • 2019, Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (grant agreement No 834146, October 2019 - September 2021, link)
  • 2018, 1st prize at the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research dissertations competition (PhD thesis, link)
  • 2015, PhD scholarship from the Archimedes Foundation and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (Scholarship program Kristjan Jaak, for 2015-2016)
  • 2013, Institute of Cybernetics paper of the year 2012 (link)
  • 2013, Travel scholarship to participate at the ICFP 2013 conference (ACM SIGPLAN)
  • 2013, Supplementary scholarship (Estonian Students Fund in USA, for 2013-2014)
  • 2013, Travel scholarship to participate at the MFPS XXIX and LICS 2013 conferences (Scholarship program Kristjan Jaak)
  • 2012, Supplementary scholarship (Estonian Students Fund in USA, for 2012-2013)
  • 2012, PhD scholarship from the University of Edinburgh (Principal's Career Development Scholarship, for 2012-2015)
  • 2012, 3rd prize at the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research dissertations competition (MPhil dissertation, link)
  • 2012, Estonian Academy of Sciences dissertation award (MPhil dissertation, link)
  • 2012, Google prize for the best research dissertation in MPhil program Advanced Computer Science, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
  • 2012, Citrix prize for the best student in MPhil program Advanced Computer Science, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
  • 2012, Nominee for best paper award at the ETAPS 2012 conference
  • 2010, Estonian President’s recognition of top-ranking graduates
  • 2008, Tallinn University of Technology Rector's 100 best starting students award

  Community service

Program committees

  • 40th Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, MFPS 2024 (Oxford, June 2024)
  • ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals, ACMSRC 2024 (2024)
  • ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals, ACMSRC 2023 (2023)
  • Student Research Competition at ICFP 2022, ICFP 2022 SRC (co-chair; Ljubljana, September 2022)
  • 31st European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2022 (Berlin, April 2022)
  • ACM SIGPLAN ML Family Workshop, ML 2021 (Online, August 2021)
  • 36th International Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, MFPS 2020 (Paris Online, June 2020)
  • Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice, LFMTP 2019 (Vancouver, June 2019)
  • 46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 2019 (Lisbon, January 2019)
  • 7th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects, HOPE 2018 (St Louis, September 2018)
  • 7th Workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming, MSFP 2018 (Oxford, July 2018)

External review committees

  • 25th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP 2020 (Jersey City Online, August 2020)

Management committees

Organising committees

  • Dagstuhl seminar on Scalable Handling of Effects (Dagstuhl Online, July 2020 July 2021).
  • 29th International Conference on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2021 (Ljubljana Online, January 2021)

Course and seminar organisation

Media coverage


Programming Languages Research Seminar (Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu)

  • In the autumn semester of 2024/2025, I am leading this masters research seminar course (course webpage).

Functional Programming (Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu)

  • In the autumn semester of 2024/2025, I am teaching this undergraduate course (in Estonian) with Kalmer Apinis, Varmo Vene, Karoliine Holter, and Aiden Madisson (course webpage).

Logic in Computer Science (Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu)

  • In the spring semester of 2023/2024, I am teaching this undergraduate course (in Estonian) with Reimo Palm (course webpage).

Logic in Computer Science (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana)

Computational Complexity (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana)

  • In the autumn/winter semester of 2021/2022, I TAed this masters course.

Program verification with F*

Functional Programming (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh) (FP)

  • In autumn 2015, I tutored one tutorial group.
  • In autumn 2013, I tutored two tutorial groups.
  • In autumn 2012, I tutored one tutorial group.

Object-Oriented Programming (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh) (INF1-OP)

  • In spring 2015, I tutored three tutorial groups.
  • In spring 2014, I tutored two tutorial groups.
  • In spring 2013, I was a lab demonstrator for one group.

Logic Programming (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh) (LP)

  • In autumn 2015, I tutored two tutorial groups.
  • In autumn 2013, I tutored one tutorial group and marked students' coursework.
  • In autumn 2012, I tutored two tutorial groups and marked students' coursework.

Computation and Logic (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh) (CL)

  • In autumn 2013, I tutored one tutorial group and marked students' coursework.

Language Semantics and Implementation (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh) (LSI)

  • In spring 2013, I tutored one tutorial group.

Logic in Computer Science (Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology) (ITT0040)

  • In autumn 2011, I stood in for Prof. Tarmo Uustalu in 2 lectures and 2 practical sessions.

Operating Systems and Network Administrating (Department of CS, Tallinn University of Technology) (ITV0050)

  • In spring 2011, I was one of the lecturers in the operating systems and network administering course at the Tallinn University of Technology. I gave talks and practice/exercise sessions on software packaging and package management, filesystems and (remote) access to them, virtual machines and their technology in desktop and server environments.


  • 2024. Thibault Hervier. Denotational semantics for asynchronous effects (Summer internship, University of Tartu)
  • 2023. Gašper Žajdela. Operacijska semantika za jezik s časovno omejenimi viri (Operational semantics for temporal resources) (MSc thesis, University of Ljubljana, supervised jointly with Matija Pretnar, pdf)
  • 2023. Léo Soudant. Probabilistic Programming with Coinductive Data (Summer internship, University of Ljubljana, supervised jointly with Alex Simpson)
  • 2021. Janez Radešček. Asinhroni Algebrajski Učinki (Asynchronous Algebraic Effects) (MSc thesis, University of Ljubljana, supervised jointly with Matija Pretnar, pdf)
  • 2021. Gaïa Loutchmia. Mechanising the metatheory of algebraic theories with binders and metavariables (Summer internship, University of Ljubljana, supervised jointly with Andrej Bauer)
  • 2020. Fabricio Da Silva Werneck. Using F* to verify the memory safety of embedded interrupt-driven software for the ESP32 microcontroller (Summer internship, Tallinn University of Technology, supervised remotely jointly with Juhan-Peep Ernits)


  • Comodule Representations of Second-Order Functionals
    Itaca Fest 2024, Online, 25.09.2024 (abstract)
  • When Programs Have to Watch Paint Dry:
    Using Graded Effects and Modal Types To Capture Temporal Properties of Resources

    Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, 18.09.2024
  • Comodule Representations of Second-Order Functionals
    Computer Science Theory Seminar, Tallinn University of Technology, 18.06.2024
  • Comodule Representations of Second-Order Functionals
    30th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, 11.06.2024
  • When Programs Have to Watch Paint Dry:
    Using Graded Effects and Modal Types To Capture Temporal Properties of Resources

    Information Security Institute Seminar, Cybernetica AS, Tartu, 12.04.2024
  • (Co)module Representations of Second-Order Functionals
    Algebra Seminar, University of Tartu, 11.04.2024
  • (Directed) Containers and Representing Parameterised Data Types
    Algebra Seminar, University of Tartu, 04.04.2024
  • Comodule Representations of Second-Order Functionals
    Seminar za temelje matematike in teoretično računalništvo, University of Ljubljana, 07.03.2024 (abstract)
  • Program verification with F*
    Invited guest lecture, Tallinn University of Technology, 06.12.2023 (lecture materials)
  • What do bidirected containers (co-)interpret into?
    Mathematically Structured Programming Group's seminar, University of Strathclyde, 23.11.2023
  • When Programs Have to Watch Paint Dry
    Scottish Programming Languages Seminar (SPLS), University of Strathclyde, 22.11.2023 (abstract)
  • An overview of containers and their applications
    Seminar za temelje matematike in teoretično računalništvo, University of Ljubljana, 26.10.2023
  • Asynchronous Algebraic Effects
    IOHK seminar, 11.09.2023
  • Higher-Order Asynchronous Effects
    Formally Verified Security Group's seminar, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP), 28.08.2023
  • Temporal resources in effectful programming languages
    Institute of Computer Science seminar, University of Tartu, 20.06.2023
  • On monads and comonads for bidirected containers
    Seminar za temelje matematike in teoretično računalništvo, University of Ljubljana, 25.05.2023
  • When Programs Have to Watch Paint Dry
    26th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2023), 24.04.2023 (slides)
  • When programs have to watch paint dry
    Computer Science Theory Seminar, Tallinn University of Technology, 17.11.2022 (abstract, slides)
  • When programs have to watch paint dry
    Seminar za temelje matematike in teoretično računalništvo, University of Ljubljana, 12.05.2022 (abstract)
  • Higher-Order Asynchronous Effects
    8th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects (HOPE 2021), 22.08.2021 (slides)
  • (Higher-Order) Asynchronous Effects
    Virtual Dagstuhl Seminar on Scalable Handling of Effects, 21.07.2021 (slides)
  • Asynchronous effects
    48th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2021), 20.01.2021 (videos)
  • Asynchronous effects
    Computer Science Theory Seminar, Tallinn University of Technology, 07.01.2021 (abstract , slides)
  • Program verification with F*
    Invited remote guest lecture, Tallinn University of Technology, 09.12.2020 (lecture materials)
  • Program verification with F*
    Invited guest lecture, Tallinn University of Technology, 20.11.2019 (lecture materials)
  • Runners in action
    Software Science Departmental Seminar, Tallinn University of Technology, 18.11.2019 (abstract)
  • Runners in action
    Seminar za temelje matematike in teoretično računalništvo, University of Ljubljana, 07.11.2019 (abstract)
  • Interacting with the external world using comodels (aka runners)
    CHoCoLa meeting, ENS Lyon, 17.10.2019 (abstract , slides)
  • Interacting with the external world using comodels (aka runners)
    Gallinette seminar, INRIA Nantes, 14.10.2019
  • Comodels as a gateway for interacting with the external world
    Research in Software Engineering (RiSE) seminar, Microsoft Research Redmond, 15.05.2019 (slides)
  • Comodels as a gateway for interacting with the external world
    NII Shonan Seminar no. 146 on Programming and Reasoning with Algebraic Effects and Effect Handlers, 28.03.2019 (slides)
  • Comodels as a gateway for interacting with the external world
    Seminar za temelje matematike in teoretično računalništvo, University of Ljubljana, 21.03.2019 (abstract)
  • Program verification with F*
    Special lecture, Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, 08.03.2019 (slides)
  • Program verification with F*
    Invited guest lecture, Tallinn University of Technology, 12.12.2018 (lecture materials)
  • Directed Containers
    Seminar za temelje matematike in teoretično računalništvo, University of Ljubljana, 11.10.2018
  • A fibrational view on computational effects
    Mathematics and theoretical computing seminar, University of Ljubljana, 31.05.2018 (slides)
  • Embracing monotonicity in F*
    Software Science Departmental Seminar, Tallinn University of Technology, 12.02.2018 (slides)
  • Embracing monotonicity in F*
    ICE-TCS Seminar, Reykjavík University, 29.01.2018 (slides)
  • Leveraging monotonic state in F*
    EUTypes 2018 Working Meeting, Radboud University Nijmegen, 23.01.2018 (slides)
  • Recalling a Witness: Foundations and Applications of Monotonic State
    45th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2018), 12.01.2018 (slides)
  • Handling Fibred Algebraic Effects
    45th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2018), 10.01.2018 (slides)
  • A fibrational view on computational effects
    LFCS Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 28.11.2017 (abstract , slides)
  • Directed containers, what are they good for?
    CLAP Scotland, University of Edinburgh, 20.11.2017 (abstract)
  • A fibrational view on computational effects
    PLS Seminar, IT University of Copenhagen, 13.11.2017
  • Recalling a Witness: Foundations and Applications of Monotonic State
    6th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects (HOPE 2017), 03.09.2017 (slides)
  • Handling Fibred Algebraic Effects
    6th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects (HOPE 2017), 03.09.2017 (slides)
  • Recall for free: preorder-respecting state monads in F*
    Prosecco Seminar, Inria Paris, 12.04.2017
  • Recall for free: preorder-respecting state monads in F*
    Programming Languages Interest Group meeting, University of Edinburgh, 13.10.2016 (slides)
  • Recall for free: preorder-respecting state monads in F*
    EUTypes WG meeting, NOVA University of Lisbon, 5.10.2016 (slides)
  • Recall for free: preorder-respecting state monads in F*
    End of internship talk, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, 15.08.2016
  • Dependent Types and Fibred Computational Effects
    19th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2016), Eindhoven, 04.04.2016 (slides)
  • When is a Container a Comonad?
    Category Theory Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 16.03.2016
  • Dependent Types and Fibred Computational Effects
    Logic and Semantics Seminar, University of Cambridge, 22.01.2016 (abstract , slides)
  • Dependent types and fibred computational effects
    Theory Seminar, University of Dundee, 11.12.2015
  • Dependent types and fibred computational effects
    Estonian-Finnish Logic Meeting, Rakvere, 15.11.2015
  • Basic Category Theory for CS graduate students
    LFCS PhD Lunch Seminars, 29.10.2015
  • Dependent types and fibred computational effects
    Scottish Programming Language Seminar, Edinburgh, 21.10.2015 (abstract)
  • Dependent types and fibred computational effects
    Estonian Computer Science Theory Days, Jõeküla, 3.10.2015 (abstract)
  • Dependently-typed CBPV (and EEC) and its fibred adjunction models
    Computer Science Theory Seminar, Institute of Cybernetics, 28.05.2015 (abstract)
  • Refinement types for algebraic effects
    21st International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, 20.05.2015 (slides)
  • Refinement types for algebraic effects
    LFCS Lab Lunch, University of Edinburgh, 05.05.2015
  • Coalgebraic update lenses
    Mathematical Foundations for Programming Semantics (MFPS XXX), 12.06.2014
  • Update lenses
    Programming Languages Interest Group meeting, University of Edinburgh, 6.06.2014
  • Basic Category Theory for CS graduate students
    LFCS PhD Lunch Seminars, 26.03.2014
  • A propositional refinement type system for algebraic effects
    Computer Science Theory Seminar, Institute of Cybernetics, 10.03.2014
  • Update monads
    19th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, 05.03.2014 (slides)
  • A propositional refinement type system for algebraic effects
    Programming Languages Interest Group meeting, University of Edinburgh, 27.01.2014
  • Refinement Types and Algebraic Effects
    2nd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Higher-Order Programming with Effects (HOPE 2013), 28.09.2013 (slides)
  • An algebraic perspective on behavioral specifications in effectful languages
    Programming languages and semantics seminar, Microsoft Research Redmond, 01.07.2013 (slides)
  • Normalization by Evaluation and Algebraic Effects
    Mathematical Foundations for Programming Semantics (MFPS XXIX), 23.06.2013
  • Normalization by Evaluation and Algebraic Effects
    LFCS Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 11.06.2013
  • Normalization by Evaluation and Algebraic Effects
    MSP Group Away Day on Isle of Arran, 05.06.2013
  • Update monads: cointerpreting directed containers
    19th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, 23.04.2013 (slides)
  • Towards refined notions of computation: multisorted algebras and algebraic effects
    18th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, 06.03.2013 (abstract)
  • Towards more refined notions of computation: the global state example
    Computer Science Theory Seminar, Institute of Cybernetics, 20.12.2012 (abstract , slides)
  • Normalization by evaluation for a language with algebraic effects (and their handlers)
    Scottish Programming Languages Seminar (SPLS), University of Strathclyde, 06.12.2012 (slides)
  • Computational effects, algebraic theories and normalization by evaluation
    Computer Science Theory Seminar, Institute of Cybernetics, 05.07.2012 (abstract)
  • Containers, Comonads and Distributive Laws
    Semantics Lunch, University of Cambridge, 25.06.2012 (abstract)
  • Computational effects, algebraic theories and normalization by evaluation
    MPhil project report presentations, University of Cambridge, 29.05.2012, (slides)
  • When is a Container a Comonad?
    15th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2012), 28.03.2012 (slides)
  • When is a Container a Comonad?
    Estonian Computer Science Theory Days at Kubija, 29.01.2012 (abstract)
  • When is a Container a Comonad?
    Lab Lunch, University of Birmingham, 13.12.2011 (abstract)
  • When is a Container a Comonad?
    Functional Programming Lab Seminars, University of Nottingham, 02.12.2011 (abstract)
  • When is a Container a Comonad?
    Computer Science Theory Seminar, Institute of Cybernetics, 22.09.2011 (abstract)