Program verification with F*
Course at 2018 EUTypes Summer School on
Types for Programming and Verification in Ohrid, Macedonia on 8-12 August, 2018
(Based on past courses by Cătălin Hriţcu and various other members of the F* team)
Friday, 10 August, 2018:
- 10:30--11:30 A Gentle Introduction to F*: Verifying Purely Functional Programs (slides)
Saturday, 11 August, 2018:
- 16:30--17:30 Verifying Stateful Programs with F* (slides)
- 17:30--18:30 Exercise Class
Sunday, 12 August, 2018:
- 09:00--10:00 Monotonic State in F* (slides)
- 12:00--13:00 F*'s Extensible Effect System and Metaprogramming in F* (slides)
- F*'s extensible effect system; Dijkstra monads (for free) (paper1, paper2, examples)
- F*'s tactics and metaprogramming framework (paper, examples)
- Code:
- IncrReify.fst (verifying stateful increment function using monadic reification)
- NonInterference.fst (proving noninterference using monadic reification)
- Logic.fst (discharging verification conditions: simple tautology)
- CanonCommSemiring.fst (massaging verification conditions: canonicaliser for commutative semirings)
- Printers.fst (synthesising F* terms: printer for inductive types)
- Typeclasses.fst (metaprogramming typeclasses; needs a more recent version of F* than the v0.9.6.0 release)
- Exercise 1: Implement stateful summing (similarly to Lecture 2, but with a weak type) using a global state (similarly to IncrReify.fst) and use monadic reification (see Lecture 4) to prove that this stateful summing is equivalent to the purely functional code (SumReify.fst; solution)
- Exercise 2: Implement stateful Fibonacci (similarly to Lecture 2, but with a weak type) using a 2-location global state (as used in NonInterference.fst) and use monadic reification (see Lecture 4) to prove that this stateful Fibonacci is equivalent to the purely functional code (FibonacciReify.fst; solution)
- Exercise 3: Define the READER effect, show that it is a sub-effect of the STATE effect defined in SumReify.fst, and demonstrate that the READER effect you defined is correct wrt STATE (Reader.fst; solution)
- Exercise 4: Try out F*'s metaprogramming and tactics framework, starting with Logic.fst, and try to extend it to prove more interesting logical properties
- 15:00--16:00 Exercise Class
Setup instructions
The easiest way to try out F* quickly is directly in your browser
using the online editor
that's part of the F* tutorial.
We also have an
even cooler online editor (experimental).
For people who want to get F* (v0.9.6.0, most recent release)
installed on their machine there are 2 easy options:
- Using the
binary release
(documentation on this)
- or Using the OPAM package
(especially for people already using OCaml; note that you still need to get Z3 separately)
In addition, if you're familiar with emacs, we recommend getting
fstar-mode for it.
For people who are more motivated, there are even more ways including
building F* from sources (see
documentation on this).
†Note: Recent versions of F* use the [@expect_failure] attribute to denote the expectation of failing typechecking, while the v0.9.6.0 release uses the [@fail] attribute for the same purpose. Change this according to the version you use, e.g., this concerns Ackermann.fst.
More references