Monotonic State in F*


Danel Ahman, Inria Paris

EUTypes Summer School

Ohrid, Macedonia, 12 August, 2018


  • Friday: A Gentle Introduction to F* (Purely Functional Programs)

  • Yesterday: Verifying Stateful Programs in F*

  • Today: Monotonic State in F*

  • Today: F*'s Extensible Effect System and Metaprogramming in F*

State in F*

  • So far we have seen how to use F* to verify simple stateful programs

     val sum_st : n:nat -> ST nat (requires (fun _       -> True))
                                  (ensures  (fun h0 x h1 -> x == sum_rec n /\
                                                            modifies !{} h0 h1))
  • But recall that standard references alone are often unsatisfactory


  • Note: I'll omit trivial requires clauses for readability
    val sum_st : n:nat -> ST nat (*(requires (fun _ -> True))*)
                                 (ensures  (fun h0 x h1 -> x == sum_rec n /\
                                                           modifies !{} h0 h1))

Hello World (aka Monotonic Counters)

  • A simple interface for monotonic counters

    val create: i:int ->
                  ST counter (ensures (fun h c h' -> fresh c h h' /\ ...))
    val read: c:counter ->
                ST int (ensures (fun h i h' -> sel h' c = i /\ h == h'))
    val incr: c:counter ->
                ST unit (ensures (fun h _ h' -> sel h' c = sel h c + 1 /\ ...))
  • An example program using monotonic counters

    let main() : St unit =                   
      let c = create 0 in
      incr c;
      let i = read c in assert (i > 0);
      complex_procedure c;         (* complex_procedure : counter -> St unit *)
      let j = read c in assert (j > 0) (* (Error) assertion failed *)

Uses of Monotonic State in F*

  1. For implementing a range of memory models

    • Untyped references
    • Typed references
    • Monotonic references
    • Region-based hyper-heaps and hyper-stacks
  2. Reasoning about various kinds of counters

  3. Reasoning about idealized monotonic logs

  4. Initializing and freezing references and arrays

  5. Modelling ghost state of protocols

Monotonic State in F* (part 1)

  • The main user-facing interface is monotonic references

    type mref (a:Type0) (rel:preorder a) = ... (* defined using monotonicity *)
    (* where *)
    type relation (a:Type) = a -> a -> Type0
    type preorder (a:Type) = rel:relation a{
      (forall (x:a). rel x x) /\
      (forall (x y z:a). rel x y /\ rel y z ==> rel x z)}
  • Accompanied by stateful actions (again defined using monotonicity)

    val alloc : #a:Type0 -> #rel:preorder a -> init:a ->
      ST (mref a rel) (ensures (fun h0 r h1 -> fresh r h0 h1 /\
                                               sel h1 r == init /\ ...))
    val (!) : #a:Type0 -> #rel:preorder a -> r:mref a rel ->
      ST a (ensures (fun h0 x h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ sel h1 r == x))
    val (:=) : #a:Type0 -> #rel:preorder a -> r:mref a rel -> v:a ->
      ST unit (requires (fun h0      -> rel (sel h0 r) v))      (* note this *)
              (ensures  (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1 /\ sel h1 r == v))

Monotonic State in F* (part 2)

  • We can now implement monotonic counters as follows

    let counter = mref int (fun n m -> n <= m)
    let create i = alloc i                                   (* fresh c h h' *)
    let read   c = !c                                        (* sel h' c = i *)
    let incr   c = c := (!c + 1)                   (* sel h' c = sel h c + 1 *)
  • By themselves these definitions are not enough to verify the example

    let main() : St unit =                   
      let c = create 0 in
      incr c;
      let i = read c in assert (i > 0);
      complex_procedure c;                       (* c_p : counter -> St unit *)
      let j = read c in assert (j > 0)           (* (Error) assertion failed *)
  • Idea: observe that (fun j -> j > 0) is a stable predicate wrt. <=

    let stable (#a:Type) (p:predicate a) (rel:preorder a) = 
      forall (x y:a). p x /\ rel x y ==> p y

Monotonic State in F* (part 3)

  • To make use of monotonicity in verification, F* defines the following:

  • A new pure proposition witnessing the validity of a stable predicate

    let token #a #rel (r:mref a rel) (p:a -> prop) : prop = ...  (* modality *)
  • Two stateful actions to witness and recall such tokens (intro/elim)

    let witness_token #a #rel (r:mref a rel) (p:(a -> prop)) 
      : ST unit (requires (fun h0      -> p (sel h0 r) /\ stable p rel))
                (ensures  (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ token r p))
    = ...
    let recall_token #a #rel (r:mref a rel) (p:(a -> prop)) 
      : ST unit (requires (fun _       -> token r p))
                (ensures  (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ p (sel h1 r)))
    = ...
  • And as a bonus, recalling the containment of GCd references, “for free”

    let recall_contains #a (#rel:preorder a) (r:mref a rel) 
      : ST unit (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ h1 `contains` r))
    = ...

Hello World (revisited)

  • Recall that we defined monotonic counters as follows

    let counter = mref int (fun n m -> n <= m)
    let create i = alloc i
    let read   c = !c
    let incr   c = c := (!c + 1)
  • Using witness_token and recall_token, we can verify our example

    let main() : St unit =                   
      let c = create 0 in incr c;
      let i = read c in assert (i > 0);
      witness_token c (fun i -> i > 0);
      complex_procedure c;                   (* c_p : counter -> St unit *)
      recall_token c (fun i -> i > 0);
      let j = read c in assert (j > 0)       (* success *)

ML-style Typed References

  • Typed references from yesterday's lecture are just an instance of mrefs

    type ref a = mref a (fun _ _ -> True)
  • We can't make use of tokens based monotonicity any more

    • all values of a ref a are now related
    • so any stable predicate has to necessarily hold everywhere
  • But we can still get heap-containment “for free” for GCd refs

    let recall_contains #a (r:ref a)
      : ST unit (ensures  (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ h1 `contains` r))
    = MonotonicReferencesSlide.recall_contains r

Simple Monotonic Logs

  • We model monotonic logs using monotonic references to lists of ints

    let subset (l1 l2:list int) = forall x . x `mem` l1 ==> x `mem` l2
    let lref = mref (list int) subset
  • An action for adding new elements to the log

    let add_to_log (r:lref) (v:int)
      : ST unit (ensures  (fun _ _ h -> v `mem` (sel h r)))
    = r := (v :: !r)
  • Can then use witness_token and recall_token again

    let main() : St unit =
      let r = alloc subset [] in add_to_log r 42;
      witness_token r (fun xs -> 42 `mem` xs);
      complex_procedure r;                         (* c_p : lref -> St unit *)
      recall_token r (fun xs -> 42 `mem` xs);
      let xs = !r in assert (42 `mem` xs)          (* success *)

Initializing and Freezing references (part 1)

  • Contents of initializable and freezable references (value + ghost state)

    type rstate (a:Type0) =
      | Empty   : rstate a
      | Mutable : v:a -> rstate a
      | Frozen  : v:a -> rstate a
  • Defining a preorder for initialization and freezing

    let evolve' (a:Type0) = fun (r1 r2:rstate a) -> match r1 , r2 with
      | Empty      , Mutable _
      | Mutable _  , Mutable _ -> True
      | Mutable v1 , Frozen v2 -> v1 == v2
      | _          , _         -> False
    let evolve (a:Type0) : preorder (rstate a)   (* (Error) Subtyping failed *)
    = evolve' a                                  (* Quiz: Why does it fail?  *)
  •   | Empty     , _
      | Mutable _ , Mutable _
      | Mutable _ , Frozen  _ -> True 
      | Frozen v1 , Frozen v2 -> v1 == v2
      | _         , _         -> False

Initializing and Freezing references (part 2)

let eref (a:Type0) : Type = mref (rstate a) (evolve a)

let alloc a : ST (eref a) (ensures  (fun _ r h -> Empty? (sel h r))) 
=  alloc (evolve a) Empty

let read #a (r:eref a)
  : ST a (requires (fun h      -> ~(Empty? (sel h r))))
         (ensures  (fun h v h' -> h == h' /\
                                  (sel h r == Mutable v \/
                                   sel h r == Frozen v     )))
= match (!r) with | Mutable v | Frozen v -> v
             (* Quiz: Can you give read a heap-independent precondition? *)

let write #a (r:eref a) (v:a)
  : ST unit (requires (fun h     -> ~(Frozen? (sel h r))))
            (ensures  (fun _ _ h -> sel h r == Mutable v))
= r := Mutable v

let freeze #a (r:eref a) : St unit (* Exercise: Give precise type to freeze *)
= r := Frozen (Mutable?.v !r)      (*           so that main() typechecks   *)

Initializing and Freezing references (part 3)

let main() : St unit =
  let r = alloc int in
  (* ignore (read r) -- fails like it should *)
  write r 42;
  ignore (read r);
  write r 0;
  witness_token r (fun rs -> ~(Empty? rs));
  freeze r;
  (* write r 7; -- fails like it should *)

  ignore (read r);
  witness_token r (fun rs -> rs == Frozen 0);
  complex_procedure r;

  (* ignore (read r); -- fails like it should *)

  recall_token r (fun rs -> ~(Empty? rs));
  let x = read r in
  (* assert (x == 0); -- fails like it should *)
  recall_token r (fun rs -> rs == Frozen 0);
  assert (x == 0)

Exercise: Initializable and Freezable Arrays

  1. Arrays are created uninitialized

  2. Only initialized elements can be read from arrays

  3. Arrays can be mutated until they are frozen

  4. Only fully initialized arrays can be frozen

  5. Frozen arrays can only be read

    • no mutation of array elements

    • no initialization preconditions for reading

  • Show this works as expected with client code similar to previous slide

How the Sausage is Made (MST)

  • F* standard library provides a global monotonic state effect (almost)

    MST #state #rel t (requires pre) (ensures post)     (* pre-post on state *)
  • and a witnessed modality giving us a state-independent proposition

    val witnessed : #st:Type -> #rel:(preorder st) -> (st -> prop) -> prop
  • together with corresponding get, put, witness, and recall actions

    val put : #state:Type -> #rel:(preorder state) -> s:state ->
      MST #state #rel unit (requires (fun s0     -> rel s0 s))  (* note this *)
                           (ensures  (fun _ _ s1 -> s1 == s))
    val witness : #state:Type -> #rel:(preorder state) -> p:(state -> prop) ->
      MST #state #rel unit (requires (fun s0      -> p s0 /\ stable p rel))
                           (ensures  (fun s0 _ s1 -> s0 == s1 /\
                                                     witnessed #_ #rel p))
    val recall : #state:Type -> #rel:(preorder state) -> p:(state -> prop) ->
      MST #state #rel unit (requires (fun _       -> witnessed #_ #rel p))
                           (ensures  (fun s0 _ s1 -> s0 == s1 /\ p s1))

How the Sausage is Made (ST, much simplified)

  ST t (requires pre) (ensures post) = MST #heap #heap_rel (requires pre)
                                                           (ensures post)
  • For (monotonic) heaps we use the natural functional representation

    type heap_rec = {
     next_addr: nat;
     memory   : x:nat -> Tot (option (a:Type0 & rel:(option (preorder a)) & a))
    let heap = h:heap_rec{(forall n. n >= h.next_addr ==> None? (h.memory n))}
  • heap_rel is heap-inclusion + relatedness by the individual preorders

  • (Monotonic) references are represented by their addresses

    abstract type mref' (a:Type0) (rel:preorder a) = { addr:nat; init:a }
    type mref (a:Type0) (rel:preorder a) 
    = mref' a rel{witnessed (fun h -> h `contains` r)}
  • alloc, !, :=, tokens are derived from MST actions and witnessed

Next in this course

  • Friday: A Gentle Introduction to F* (Purely Functional Programs)

  • Yesterday: Verifying Stateful Programs in F*

  • Today: Monotonic State in F*

  • Today: F*'s Extensible Effect System and Metaprogramming in F*

Bonus Material: Temporarily Escaping the Preorder

(see Snapshots.fst)