2007 - 2010, Tallinn University of Technology, BSc (virtualisation)
2011 - 2012, University of Cambridge, MPhil (computational effects)
2012 - 2017, University of Edinburgh, PhD (effects & dependent types)
2011, Tallinn University of Technology, Research Intern
(model-based testing & container datatypes)
2014, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, Research Intern (big data)
2016, Microsoft Research Redmond, Research Intern (F*)
2017 - 2018, Inria Paris, PostDoc (F*)
2018 - 2019 , University of Ljubljana, PostDoc (effects & F*)
2019 - . . . , University of Ljubljana, Marie Curie Fellow (effects & F*)
Crash course in program specification and verification
What is F*?
Verification of purely functional and stateful programs in F*
Highlights of other F* features
Exercise class
Interactive live-coding and more F* examples
F* applied to writing verified embedded code for IoT devices
Interested in doing a dissertation in this area? ==>
@Juhan & @me
Slides, code, exercises, homework, and setup instructions
Do ask questions!
let rec rev #a (l:list a) : list a =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> append (rev tl) [hd]
The specification of rev
could comprise a variety of properties, e.g.,
rev (rev l) == l
length (rev l) == length l
rev l
contains the same elements as l
sorted (>=) l
then sorted (<=) (rev l)
{logical precondition}
{logical postcondition}
rev l
would be (using an F*-like notation)
{requires (sorted (>=) l)} rev l {ensures (fun l' -> sorted (<=) l')}
let rec srev #a (l:ref (list a)) : unit =
match !l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> l := tl; srev tl; l := (append !l [hd])
) and final (h1
) heaps
{requires (fun h0 -> sorted (>=) (sel h0 l))}
srev l
{ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> sorted (<=) (sel h1 l) /\ modifies !{l} h0 h1)}
{requires (fun h0 -> sorted (>=) (sel h0 l1) /\ sorted (>=) (sel h0 l2) /\ l1 =!= l2)}
(srev l1) || (srev l2; srev l2)
{ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> sorted (<=) (sel h1 l1) /\ sorted (>=) (sel h1 l2))}
Program logics (Hoare logic, separation logic, …)
{fun h0 -> sorted (>=) (sel h0 l)} srev l {fun h0 _ h1 -> sorted (<=) (sel h1 l)}
{fun h1 -> sorted (<=) (sel h1 l)} srev l {fun h1 _ h2 -> sorted (>=) (sel h2 l)}
{fun h0 -> sorted (>=) (sel h0 l)}
srev l; srev l
{fun h1 _ h2 -> sorted (>=) (sel h2 l)}
Expressive type systems (dependent types, refinement types, …)
rev : l:list a -> (l':list a & (length l == length l'))
F* combines program logics with expressive types!
Interactive proof assistants | Semi-automated verifiers of imperative programs | |||
Coq, | air | Dafny, | ||
Agda, | FramaC, | |||
Lean, | gap | Why3, | ||
Isabelle | Liquid Haskell |
Left side: very expressive logics, interactive proving, tactics
Right side: effectful programming, SMT-based automation
let incr = fun (r:ref a) -> r := !r + 1
but with a much richer type system
By default extracted to OCaml or F#
Functional programming language with effects
Semi-automated verification system
Proof assistant based on dependent types
Two kinds of F* files
A.fsti - interface file for module called A (can be omitted)
A.fst - source code file for module called A
$ fstar.exe Ackermann.fst
Verified module: Ackermann (429 milliseconds)
All verification conditions discharged successfully
$ fstar.exe Ackermann.fst --odir out-dir --codegen OCaml
Recursive functions
val factorial : nat -> nat
let rec factorial n =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
(Simple) inductive datatypes and pattern matching
type list (a:Type) =
| Nil : list a
| Cons : hd:a -> tl:list a -> list a
let rec map (f:'a -> 'b) (x:list 'a) : list 'b =
match x with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons h t -> Cons (f h) (map f t)
Lambda abstractions
map (fun x -> x + 42) [1;2;3]
type nat = x:int{x >= 0} (* general form x:t{phi x} *)
Refinements introduced by type annotations (code unchanged)
val factorial : nat -> nat
let rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
Logical obligations discharged by SMT (for else branch, simplified)
n >= 0, n <> 0 |= n - 1 >= 0
n >= 0, n <> 0, (factorial (n - 1)) >= 0 |= n * (factorial (n - 1)) >= 0
Refinements eliminated by subtyping: nat <: int
let i : int = factorial 42 let f : x:nat{x > 0} -> int = factorial
Refinement formulae (phi
) built from standard logical connectives
, <>
, &&
, ||
, not
, ...
, =!=
, /\
, \/
, ~
, forall
, exists
, ...
Dependent function types aka -types
val incr : x:int -> y:int{x < y}
let incr x = x + 1
Can express pre- and postconditions of pure functions
val incr' : x:nat{odd x} -> y:nat{even y}
Indexed inductive datatypes and implicit arguments (#-notation)
type vec (a:Type) : nat -> Type =
| Nil : vec a 0
| Cons : #n:nat -> hd:a -> tl:vec a n -> vec a (n + 1)
let rec map (#n:nat) (#a #b:Type) (f:a -> b) (as:vec a n) : vec b n =
match as with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons hd tl -> Cons (f hd) (map f tl)
In Coq or Agda, we have to carry around explicit proofs, e.g.,
type vec (a:Type) : nat -> Type =
| Nil : vec a 0
| Cons : #n:nat -> hd:a -> tl:vec a n -> vec a (n + 1)
let rec lookup #a #n (as:vec a n) (i:nat) (p:i `less_than` n) : a = ...
Combining vec
with refinement types is much more convenient
let rec lookup #a #n (as:vec a n) (i:nat{i < n}) : a =
match as with
| Cons hd tl -> if i = 0 then hd else lookup tl (i - 1)
Often even more convenient to use simple lists + refinement types
let rec length #a (as:list a) : nat =
match as with
| [] -> 0
| hd :: tl -> 1 + length tl
let rec lookup #a (as:list a) (i:nat{i < (length as)}) : a =
match as with
| hd :: tl -> if i = 0 then hd else lookup tl (i - 1)
The F* functions we saw so far were all total
effect (default) = no side-effects, terminates on all inputs
(* val factorial : nat -> nat *)
val factorial : nat -> Tot nat
let rec factorial n =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
Quiz: How about giving this weaker type to factorial?
val factorial : int -> Tot int
let rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
Subtyping check failed; expected type (x:int{(x << n)}); got type int
factorial (-1)
loops! (int
type in F* is unbounded)
)We might not want to prove all code terminating
val factorial : int -> Dv int
Some useful code really is not always terminating
val eval : exp -> Dv exp
let rec eval e =
match e with
| App (Lam x e1) e2 -> eval (subst x e2 e1)
| App e1 e2 -> eval (App (eval e1) e2)
| Lam x e1 -> Lam x (eval e1)
| _ -> e
let main () = eval (App (Lam 0 (App (Var 0) (Var 0)))
(Lam 0 (App (Var 0) (Var 0))))
and Dv
)Pure code cannot call potentially divergent code
Only (!) pure code can appear in specifications
val factorial : int -> Dv int
type tau = x:int{x = factorial (-1)}
type tau = x:int{x = factorial (-1)}
Expected a pure expression; got an expression ... with effect "DIV"
Sub-effecting: Tot t <: Dv t
So, divergent code can include pure code
incr 2 + factorial (-1) : Dv int
and Dv
are just two effects amongst manyTot
and GTot
)Ghost effect for code used only in specifications
val sel : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> GTot a
Sub-effecting: Tot t <: GTot t
BUT NOT (!): GTot t <: Tot t
(holds for non-informative types)
So, (informative) ghost code cannot be used in total functions
let f (g:unit -> GTot nat) : Tot (n:nat{n = g ()}) = g ()
Computed type "n:nat{n = g ()}" and effect "GTot"
is not compatible with the annotated type "n:nat{n = g ()}" effect "Tot"
But total functions can appear in ghost code (regardless of their type)
let f (g:unit -> Tot nat) : GTot (n:nat{n = g ()}) = g ()
val factorial : nat -> Tot nat (* type nat = x:int{x >= 0} *)
val factorial : x:int -> Pure int (requires (x >= 0))
(ensures (fun y -> y >= 0))
) result type (e.g. int
spec. (e.g. pre and post)Tot
is just an abbreviation
Tot t = Pure t (requires True) (ensures (fun _ -> True))
let rec append (#a:Type) (xs ys:list a) : Tot (list a) =
match xs with
| [] -> ys
| x :: xs' -> x :: append xs' ys
let rec lemma_append_length (#a:Type) (xs ys:list a)
: Pure unit
(requires True)
(ensures (fun _ -> length (append xs ys) = length xs + length ys)) =
match xs with
| [] -> ()
(* nil-VC: len (app [] ys) = len [] + len ys *)
| x :: xs' -> lemma_append_length xs' ys
(* len (app xs' ys) = len xs' + len ys *)
(* cons-VC: ==> len (app (x::xs') ys) = len (x::xs') + len ys *)
Lemma property = Pure unit (requires True) (ensures (fun _ -> property))
let snoc l h = append l [h]
let rec rev #a (l:list a) : Tot (list a) =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> snoc (rev tl) hd
val lemma_rev_snoc : #a:Type -> l:list a -> h:a ->
Lemma (rev (snoc l h) == h::rev l)
let rec lemma_rev_snoc (#a:Type) l h =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> lemma_rev_snoc tl h
val lemma_rev_involutive : #a:Type -> l:list a -> Lemma (rev (rev l) == l)
let rec lemma_rev_involutive (#a:Type) l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> lemma_rev_involutive tl; lemma_rev_snoc (rev tl) hd
let snoc l h = append l [h]
let rec rev #a (l:list a) : Tot (list a) =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> snoc (rev tl) hd
val lemma_rev_snoc : #a:Type -> l:list a -> h:a ->
Lemma (rev (snoc l h) == h::rev l)
[SMTPat (rev (snoc l h))]
let rec lemma_rev_snoc (#a:Type) l h =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> lemma_rev_snoc tl h
val lemma_rev_involutive : #a:Type -> l:list a -> Lemma (rev (rev l) == l)
let rec lemma_rev_involutive (#a:Type) l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> lemma_rev_involutive tl (*; lemma_rev_snoc (rev tl) hd*)
val factorial : nat -> Dv nat
computation type (pre- and postconditions)
val eval_closed : e:exp -> Div exp
(requires (closed e))
(ensures (fun e' -> Lam? e' /\ closed e'))
let rec eval_closed e =
match e with (* notice there is no match case for variables *)
| App e1 e2 ->
let Lam e1' = eval_closed e1 in
below_subst_beta 0 e1' e2;
eval_closed (subst (sub_beta e2) e1')
| Lam e1 -> Lam e1
is also just an abbreviation
Dv t = Div t (requires True) (ensures (fun _ -> True))
Variant of dependent type theory
General recursion and semantic termination check
x:t{phi x}
Pure t pre post
Div t pre post
Subtyping and sub-effecting (<:
Standard logical connectives (==
, /\
, \/
, forall
, exists
, ...
The St
effect—programming with garbage-collected references
val incr : r:ref int -> St unit
let incr r = r := !r + 1
Hoare logic-style preconditions and postconditions with ST
val incr : r:ref int ->
ST unit (requires (fun h0 -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 -> sel h2 r == sel h0 r + 1 /\
modifies !{r} h0 h2))
is again just an abbreviation
St t = ST t (requires True) (ensures (fun _ -> True))
Sub-effecting: Pure <: ST
and Div <: ST
(partial correctness)
and ST
interfaces (much simplified)module Heap
val heap : Type
val ref : Type -> Type
val sel : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> GTot a
val addr_of : #a:Type -> ref a -> GTot nat
val contains : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> Type0
let modifies (s:FStar.TSet.set nat) (h0 h1 : heap) =
forall a (r:ref a) . (h0 `contains` r /\ ~(addr_of r `mem` s))
==> sel h1 r == sel h0 r
module ST
val alloc : #a:Type -> init:a ->
ST (ref a) (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 r h1 ->
modifies !{} h0 h1 /\ sel h1 r == init /\ fresh r h0 h1))
val (!) : #a:Type -> r:ref a ->
ST a (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ x == sel h0 r))
val (:=) : #a:Type -> r:ref a -> v:a ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1 /\ sel h1 r == v))
(intuition)val incr : r:ref int ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 -> modifies !{r} h0 h2 /\
sel h2 r == sel h0 r + 1))
let incr r = r := !r + 1
let incr r =
let x = !r in
r := x + 1
and :=
to infer a specification for incr
val incr : r:ref int ->
ST unit
(requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 ->
exists h1 x. h0 == h1 /\ x == sel h0 r /\ //(!)
modifies !{r} h1 h2 /\ sel h2 r == x + 1)) //(:=)
val incr : r:ref int ->
ST unit
(requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 ->
exists h1 x. h0 == h1 /\ x == sel h0 r /\ //(!)
modifies !{r} h1 h2 /\ sel h2 r == x + 1)) //(:=)
let incr r =
let x = !r in
r := x + 1
G |- e1 : ST t1 (requires (fun h0 -> pre))
(ensures (fun h0 x1 h1 -> post))
G, x1:t1 |- e2 : ST t2 (requires (fun h1 -> exists h0 . post))
(ensures (fun h1 x2 h2 -> post'))
G |- let x1 = e1 in e2 : ST t2 (requires (fun h0 -> pre))
(ensures (fun h x2 h2 ->
exists x1 h1 . post /\ post'))
val swap : r1:ref int -> r2:ref int ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h3 -> modifies !{r1,r2} h0 h3 /\
sel h3 r2 == sel h0 r1 /\
sel h3 r1 == sel h0 r2))
let swap r1 r2 =
let t = !r1 in (* Know (P1) *)
r1 := !r2; (* Know (P2) *)
r2 := t (* Know (P3) *)
(* (P1): exists h1 t. h0 == h1 /\ t == sel h0 r1 *)
(* (P2): exists h2. modifies !{r1} h1 h2 /\ sel h2 r1 == sel h1 r2 *)
(* (P3): modifies !{r2} h2 h3 /\ sel h3 r2 == t *)
(* `modifies !{r1,r2} h0 h3` follows directly from transitivity of modifies *)
(* `sel h3 r2 == sel h0 r1` follows immediately from (P1) and (P3) *)
(* Still to show: `sel h3 r1 == sel h0 r2`
From (P2) we know that `sel h2 r1 == sel h1 r2` (A)
From (P1) we know that h0 == h1
which directly gives us sel h1 r2 == sel h0 r2 (B)
From (P3) we know that modifies !{r2} h2 h3
which by definition gives us sel h2 r1 == sel h3 r1 (C)
We conclude by transitivity from (A)+(B)+(C) *)
val swap_add_sub : r1:ref int -> r2:ref int ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> addr_of r1 <> addr_of r2 ))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r1,r2} h0 h1 /\
sel h1 r1 == sel h0 r2 /\
sel h1 r2 == sel h0 r1))
let swap_add_sub r1 r2 =
r1 := !r1 + !r2;
r2 := !r1 - !r2;
r1 := !r1 - !r2
Correctness of this variant relies on r1
and r2
not being aliased
… and on int
being unbounded (mathematical) integers
let rec count_st_aux (r:ref nat) (n:nat)
: ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1 /\
(* to ensure !{} in count_st *)
sel h1 r == sel h0 r + n
(* sel h1 r == n would be wrong *))) =
if n > 0 then (r := !r + 1;
count_st_aux r (n - 1))
let rec count_st (n:nat)
: ST nat (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 -> modifies !{} h0 h1 /\
x == n)) =
let r = alloc 0 in
count_st_aux r n;
ML-style garbage-collected references
val heap : Type
val ref : Type -> Type
val sel : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> GTot a
val addr_of : #a:Type -> ref a -> GTot nat
val modifies : s:set nat -> h0:heap -> h1:heap -> Type0
effect for simple ML-style programming
let incr (r:ref int) : St unit = r := !r + 1
effect for pre- and postcondition based (intrinsic) reasoning
ST unit (requires (fun h0 -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 -> modifies !{r} h0 h2 /\ sel h2 r == n))
But that's not all there is to F*'s memory models!
let f (): Stack UInt64.t (requires (fun h0 -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 r h1 -> r = 43UL))
= push_frame (); (* pushing a new stack frame *)
let b = LowStar.Buffer.alloca 1UL 64ul in
assert (b.(42ul) = 1UL); (* high-level reasoning in F*'s logic *)
b.(42ul) <- b.(42ul) +^ 42UL;
let r = b.(42ul) in
pop_frame (); (* popping the stack frame we pushed above, *)
(* necessary for establishing Stack invariant *)
uint64_t f()
uint64_t b[64U];
for (uint32_t _i = 0U; _i < (uint32_t)64U; ++_i)
b[_i] = (uint64_t)1U;
b[42U] = b[42U] + (uint64_t)42U;
uint64_t r = b[42U];
return r;
In addition to Tot
, St
, …, users can define their own (monadic) effects
Axiomatically (PLDI 2013)
Dijkstra Monads For Free (POPL 2017)
Dijkstra Monads For All (ICFP 2019)
Layered Effects (draft paper 2020)
Tactics are just another F* effect (proof state + exceptions)
Can access the proof state, can introspect and synthesise F* terms
Run using the normalizer (slow) or compiled to native OCaml plugins
Uses: discharging VCs, massaging VCs, synthesizing terms, typeclasses
An ML-style effectful functional programming language
A semi-automated SMT-based program verifier
An interactive dependently typed proof assistant
Used successfully in security and crypto verification
See you in the exercise class for a more hands-on experience with F*!
‘Containment for free’ for garbage collected references
val recall_contains #a (r:ref a)
: ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
h1 `contains` r))
val (!) : #a:Type -> r:ref a ->
ST a (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
x == sel h0 r))
val (:=) : #a:Type -> r:ref a -> v:a ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1 /\
sel h1 r == v))
Moreover, ref a
is actually a mref a rel
with a trivial rel
val mref : a:Type -> rel:preorder a -> Type
let ref a = mref a (fun _ _ -> True)
mref a rel
Such monotonic references also come with a modal operator
val token #a #rel (r:mref a rel) : (a -> Type0) -> Type0
And corresponding introduction and elimination rules (stateful progs.)
val witness_token #a #rel (r:mref a rel) (p:(a -> Type0))
: ST unit (requires (fun h0 -> p (sel h0 r) /\ stable p rel))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ token r p))
val recall_token #a #rel (r:mref a rel) (p:(a -> Type0))
: ST unit (requires (fun _ -> token r p))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ p (sel h1 r)))
Enabling the following useful verification pattern
let p (x:nat) = x > 0 in (* assuming (r : mref nat `<=`) *)
r := !r + 1; witness r p; black_box r; recall r p; assert (p !r)
Examples: counters, logs, network traffic history, state continuity, …