2007 - 2011, Tallinn University of Technology, BSc (+ stopped MSc)
2011 - 2012, University of Cambridge, MPhil
2012 - 2017, University of Edinburgh, PhD
2011, Institute of Cybernetics, Research Intern (2 projects)
2014, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, Research Intern (Big Data)
2016, Microsoft Research Redmond, Research Intern (F*)
2017 - 2018, Inria Paris, PostDoc (F*)
2018 - . . . , University of Ljubljana, PostDoc (Eff)
What is F*?
Verifying Purely Functional Programs in F*
Verifying Stateful Programs in F*
Highlights of Other F* Features
Slides, code, exercises, and setup instructions
Do ask questions!
Interactive proof assistants | Semi-automated verifiers of imperative programs | |||
Coq, | air | Dafny, | ||
Agda, | FramaC, | |||
Lean, | gap | Why3, | ||
Isabelle | Liquid Haskell |
Left side: very expressive logics, interactive proving, tactics
Right side: effectful programming, SMT-based automation
like F#, OCaml, Haskell, …
let incr = fun (r:ref a) -> r := !r + 1
but with a much richer type system
by default extracted to OCaml or F#
subset extracted to efficient C code (Low* and KreMLin)
Functional programming language with effects
Semi-automated verification system
Proof assistant based on dependent types
Microsoft Research (US, UK, India), Inria Paris, MIT, Rosario, …
Danel Ahman Benjamin Beurdouche Karthikeyan Bhargavan Barry Bond Antoine Delignat-Lavaud Victor Dumitrescu Cédric Fournet Chris Hawblitzel Cătălin HriÅ£cu Markulf Kohlweiss Qunyan Mangus Kenji Maillard | Asher Manning Guido MartÃnez Zoe Paraskevopoulou Clément Pit-Claudel Jonathan Protzenko Tahina Ramananandro Aseem Rastogi Nikhil Swamy (benevolent dictator) Christoph M. Wintersteiger Santiago Zanella-Béguelin Gustavo Varo |
Two kinds of F* files
A.fsti - interface file for module called A (can be omitted)
A.fst - source code file for module called A
$ fstar.exe Ackermann.fst
Verified module: Ackermann (429 milliseconds)
All verification conditions discharged successfully
$ fstar.exe Ackermann.fst --odir out-dir --codegen OCaml
Recursive functions
val factorial : nat -> nat
let rec factorial n =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
(Simple) inductive datatypes and pattern matching
type list (a:Type) =
| Nil : list a
| Cons : hd:a -> tl:list a -> list a
let rec map (f:'a -> 'b) (x:list 'a) : list 'b = (* combines val and let *)
match x with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons h t -> Cons (f h) (map f t)
map (fun x -> x + 42) [1;2;3]
type nat = x:int{x >= 0} (* general form x:t{phi x} *)
Refinements introduced by type annotations (code unchanged)
val factorial : nat -> nat
let rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
Logical obligations discharged by SMT (for else branch, simplified)
n >= 0, n <> 0 |= n - 1 >= 0
n >= 0, n <> 0, (factorial (n - 1)) >= 0 |= n * (factorial (n - 1)) >= 0
Refinements eliminated by subtyping: nat <: int
let i : int = factorial 42 let f : x:nat{x > 0} -> int = factorial
Different kinds of logical connectives
, <>
, &&
, ||
, not
, =!=
, /\
, \/
, ~
, forall
, exists
Dependent function types aka -types
val incr : x:int -> y:int{x < y}
let incr x = x + 1
Can express pre- and postconditions of pure functions
val incr' : x:nat{odd x} -> y:nat{even y}
(Parameterised and indexed) inductive datatypes; implicit arguments
type vec (a:Type) : nat -> Type =
| Nil : vec a 0
| Cons : #n:nat -> hd:a -> tl:vec a n -> vec a (n + 1)
let rec map (#n:nat) (#a #b:Type) (f:a -> b) (as:vec a n) : vec b n =
match as with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons hd tl -> Cons (f hd) (map f tl)
As in Coq or Agda, we could type and define the lookup function as
type vec (a:Type) : nat -> Type =
| Nil : vec a 0
| Cons : #n:nat -> hd:a -> tl:vec a n -> vec a (n + 1)
let rec lookup #a #n (as:vec a n) (i:nat) (p:i `less_than` n) : a = ...
(* in addition to as and i, you would also need to explicitly work with p*)
But combining vec
with refinement types is much more convenient
let rec lookup #a #n (as:vec a n) (i:nat{i < n}) : a =
match as with
| Cons hd tl -> if i = 0 then hd else lookup tl (i - 1)
Often even more convenient to use simple lists + refinement types
let rec length #a (as:list a) : nat =
match as with
| [] -> 0
| hd :: tl -> 1 + length tl
let rec lookup #a (as:list a) (i:nat{i < (length as)}) : a =
match as with
| hd :: tl -> if i = 0 then hd else lookup tl (i - 1)
The F* functions we saw so far were all total
effect (default) = no side-effects, terminates on all inputs
(* val factorial : nat -> nat *)
val factorial : nat -> Tot nat
let rec factorial n =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
Quiz: How about giving this weaker type to factorial?
val factorial : int -> Tot int
let rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
Subtyping check failed; expected type (x:int{(x << n)}); got type int
factorial (-1)
loops! (int
type in F* is unbounded)
)We might not want to prove all code terminating
val factorial : int -> Dv int
Some useful code really is not always terminating
val eval : exp -> Dv exp
let rec eval e =
match e with
| App (Lam x e1) e2 -> eval (subst x e2 e1)
| App e1 e2 -> eval (App (eval e1) e2)
| Lam x e1 -> Lam x (eval e1)
| _ -> e
let main () = eval (App (Lam 0 (App (Var 0) (Var 0)))
(Lam 0 (App (Var 0) (Var 0))))
and Dv
)Pure code cannot call potentially divergent code
Only (!) pure code can appear in specifications
val factorial : int -> Dv int
type tau = x:int{x = factorial (-1)}
type tau = x:int{x = factorial (-1)}
Expected a pure expression; got an expression ... with effect "DIV"
Sub-effecting: Tot t <: Dv t
So, divergent code can include pure code
incr 2 + factorial (-1) : Dv int
and GTot
)Ghost effect for code used only in specifications
val sel : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> GTot a
Sub-effecting: Tot t <: GTot t
BUT NOT (!): GTot t <: Tot t
(holds for non-informative types)
So, (informative) ghost code cannot be used in total functions
let f (g:unit -> GTot nat) : Tot (n:nat{n = g ()}) = g ()
Computed type "n:nat{n = g ()}" and effect "GTot"
is not compatible with the annotated type "n:nat{n = g ()}" effect "Tot"
But total functions can appear in ghost code (regardless of their type)
let f (g:unit -> Tot nat) : GTot (n:nat{n = g ()}) = g ()
val factorial : nat -> Tot nat (* type nat = x:int{x >= 0} *)
val factorial : x:int -> Pure int (requires (x >= 0))
(ensures (fun y -> y >= 0))
) result type (e.g. int
spec. (e.g. pre and post)Tot
is just an abbreviation
Tot t = Pure t (requires True) (ensures (fun _ -> True))
let rec append (#a:Type) (xs ys:list a) : Tot (list a) =
match xs with
| [] -> ys
| x :: xs' -> x :: append xs' ys
let rec lemma_append_length (#a:Type) (xs ys:list a)
: Pure unit
(requires True)
(ensures (fun _ -> length (append xs ys) = length xs + length ys)) =
match xs with
| [] -> ()
(* nil-VC: len (app [] ys) = len [] + len ys *)
| x :: xs' -> lemma_append_length xs' ys
(* len (app xs' ys) = len xs' + len ys *)
(* cons-VC: ==> len (app (x::xs') ys) = len (x::xs') + len ys *)
Lemma property = Pure unit (requires True) (ensures (fun _ -> property))
let snoc l h = append l [h]
let rec rev #a (l:list a) : Tot (list a) =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> snoc (rev tl) hd
val lemma_rev_snoc : #a:Type -> l:list a -> h:a ->
Lemma (rev (snoc l h) == h::rev l)
let rec lemma_rev_snoc (#a:Type) l h =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> lemma_rev_snoc tl h
val lemma_rev_involutive : #a:Type -> l:list a -> Lemma (rev (rev l) == l)
let rec lemma_rev_involutive (#a:Type) l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> lemma_rev_involutive tl; lemma_rev_snoc (rev tl) hd
let snoc l h = append l [h]
let rec rev #a (l:list a) : Tot (list a) =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> snoc (rev tl) hd
val lemma_rev_snoc : #a:Type -> l:list a -> h:a ->
Lemma (rev (snoc l h) == h::rev l)
[SMTPat (rev (snoc l h))]
let rec lemma_rev_snoc (#a:Type) l h =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> lemma_rev_snoc tl h
val lemma_rev_involutive : #a:Type -> l:list a -> Lemma (rev (rev l) == l)
let rec lemma_rev_involutive (#a:Type) l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> lemma_rev_involutive tl (*; lemma_rev_snoc (rev tl) hd*)
val factorial : nat -> Dv nat
computation type (pre- and postconditions)
val eval_closed : e:exp -> Div exp
(requires (closed e))
(ensures (fun e' -> Lam? e' /\ closed e'))
let rec eval_closed e =
match e with (* notice there is no match case for variables *)
| App e1 e2 ->
let Lam e1' = eval_closed e1 in
below_subst_beta 0 e1' e2;
eval_closed (subst (sub_beta e2) e1')
| Lam e1 -> Lam e1
is also just an abbreviation
Dv t = Div t (requires True) (ensures (fun _ -> True))
Variant of dependent type theory
General recursion and semantic termination check
Pure t pre post
Div t pre post
Subtyping and sub-effecting (<:
Different kinds of logical connectives (=
, &&
, ||
, …) vs (==
, /\
, \/
, …)
The St
effect—programming with garbage-collected references
val incr : r:ref int -> St unit
let incr r = r := !r + 1
Hoare logic-style preconditions and postconditions with ST
val incr : r:ref int ->
ST unit (requires (fun h0 -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 -> modifies !{r} h0 h2 /\
sel h2 r == sel h0 r + 1))
is again just an abbreviation
St t = ST t (requires True) (ensures (fun _ -> True))
Sub-effecting: Pure <: ST
and Div <: ST
(partial correctness)
and ST
interfaces (much simplified)module Heap
val heap : Type
val ref : Type -> Type
val sel : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> GTot a
val addr_of : #a:Type -> ref a -> GTot nat
val contains : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> Type0
let modifies (s:FStar.TSet.set nat) (h0 h1 : heap) =
forall a (r:ref a) . (~(addr_of r `mem` s) /\ h0 `contains` r)
==> sel h1 r == sel h0 r
module ST
val alloc : #a:Type -> init:a ->
ST (ref a) (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 r h1 ->
modifies !{} h0 h1 /\ sel h1 r == init /\ fresh r h0 h1))
val (!) : #a:Type -> r:ref a ->
ST a (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ x == sel h0 r))
val (:=) : #a:Type -> r:ref a -> v:a ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1 /\ sel h1 r == v))
(intuition)let incr r = r := !r + 1
val incr : r:ref int ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 -> modifies !{r} h0 h2 /\
sel h2 r == sel h0 r + 1))
val incr : r:ref int ->
ST unit
(requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 ->
exists h1 x. h0 == h1 /\ x == sel h0 r /\ //(!)
modifies !{r} h1 h2 /\ sel h2 r == x+1)) //(:=)
let incr r =
let x = !r in
r := x + 1
val (!) : #a:Type -> r:ref a ->
ST a (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ x == sel h0 r))
val (:=) : #a:Type -> r:ref a -> v:a ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1 /\ sel h1 r == v))
val incr : r:ref int ->
ST unit
(requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 ->
exists h1 x. h0 == h1 /\ x == sel h0 r /\ //(!)
modifies !{r} h1 h2 /\ sel h2 r == x+1)) //(:=)
let incr r =
let x = !r in
r := x + 1
G |- e1 : ST t1 (requires (fun h0 -> pre))
(ensures (fun h0 x1 h1 -> post))
G, x1:t1 |- e2 : ST t2 (requires (fun h1 -> exists h0 . post))
(ensures (fun h1 x2 h2 -> post'))
G |- let x1 = e1 in e2 : ST t2 (requires (fun h0 -> pre))
(ensures (fun h x2 h2 ->
exists x1 h1 . post /\ post'))
val swap : r1:ref int -> r2:ref int ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h3 -> modifies !{r1,r2} h0 h3 /\
sel h3 r2 == sel h0 r1 /\
sel h3 r1 == sel h0 r2))
let swap r1 r2 =
let t = !r1 in (* Know (P1) *)
r1 := !r2; (* Know (P2) *)
r2 := t (* Know (P3) *)
(* (P1): exists h1 t. h0 == h1 /\ t == sel h0 r1 *)
(* (P2): exists h2. modifies !{r1} h1 h2 /\ sel h2 r1 == sel h1 r2 *)
(* (P3): modifies !{r2} h2 h3 /\ sel h3 r2 == t *)
(* `modifies !{r1,r2} h0 h3` follows directly from transitivity of modifies *)
(* `sel h3 r2 == sel h0 r1` follows immediately from (P1) and (P3) *)
(* Still to show: `sel h3 r1 == sel h0 r2`
From (P2) we know that `sel h2 r1 == sel h1 r2` (A)
From (P1) we know that h0 == h1
which directly gives us sel h1 r2 == sel h0 r2 (B)
From (P3) we know that modifies !{r2} h2 h3
which by definition gives us sel h2 r1 == sel h3 r1 (C)
We conclude by transitivity from (A)+(B)+(C) *)
val swap_add_sub : r1:ref int -> r2:ref int ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> addr_of r1 <> addr_of r2 ))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r1,r2} h0 h1 /\
sel h1 r1 == sel h0 r2 /\
sel h1 r2 == sel h0 r1))
let swap_add_sub r1 r2 =
r1 := !r1 + !r2;
r2 := !r1 - !r2;
r1 := !r1 - !r2
Correctness of this variant relies on r1
and r2
not being aliased
… and on int
being unbounded (mathematical) integers
let rec count_st_aux (r:ref nat) (n:nat)
: ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1 /\
(* to ensure !{} in count_st *)
sel h1 r == sel h0 r + n
(* sel h1 r == n would be wrong *))) =
if n > 0 then (r := !r + 1;
count_st_aux r (n - 1))
let rec count_st (n:nat)
: ST nat (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 -> modifies !{} h0 h1 /\
x == n)) =
let r = alloc 0 in
count_st_aux r n;
ML-style garbage-collected references
val heap : Type
val ref : Type -> Type
val sel : #a:Type -> heap -> ref a -> GTot a
val addr_of : #a:Type -> ref a -> GTot nat
val modifies : s:set nat -> h0:heap -> h1:heap -> Type0
effect for simple ML-style programming
let incr (r:ref int) : St unit = r := !r + 1
effect for pre- and postcondition based (intrinsic) reasoning
ST unit (requires (fun h0 -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h2 -> modifies !{r} h0 h2 /\ sel h2 r == n))
But that's not all there is to F*'s memory models!
‘Containment for free’ for garbage collected references
val recall_contains #a (r:ref a)
: ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
h1 `contains` r))
val (!) : #a:Type -> r:ref a ->
ST a (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 x h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
x == sel h0 r))
val (:=) : #a:Type -> r:ref a -> v:a ->
ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1 /\
sel h1 r == v))
Moreover, ref a
is actually a mref a rel
with a trivial rel
val mref : a:Type -> rel:preorder a -> Type
let ref a = mref a (fun _ _ -> True)
mref a rel
Such monotonic references also come with a modal operator
val token #a #rel (r:mref a rel) : (a -> Type0) -> Type0
And corresponding introduction and elimination rules (stateful progs.)
val witness_token #a #rel (r:mref a rel) (p:(a -> Type0))
: ST unit (requires (fun h0 -> p (sel h0 r) /\ stable p rel))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ token r p))
val recall_token #a #rel (r:mref a rel) (p:(a -> Type0))
: ST unit (requires (fun _ -> token r p))
(ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ p (sel h1 r)))
Enabling the following useful verification pattern
let p (x:nat) = x > 0 in (* assuming (r:mref nat less_than_equal_to) *)
r := !r + 1; witness r p; black_box r; recall r p; assert (p !r)
Examples: counters, logs, network traffic history, state continuity, …
Low*: programming and verifying low-level C code
Moto: The code (Low*) is low-level but the verification (F*) is not
Uses a hierarchical region-based stack-and-heap memory model
F* has an extensible effect system (aka Dijkstra Monads For Free)
In addition to St
, …, users can define their own (monadic) effects
Given a mon. definition, F* derives the effect and the spec. calculus
Also comes with monadic reification for extrinsic reasoning
Meta-F* - a tactics and metaprogramming framework for F*
Tactics are just another F* effect (proof state + exceptions)
Can access the proof state, can introspect and synthesise F* terms
Run using the normalizer (slow) or compiled to native OCaml plugins
let f (): Stack UInt64.t (requires (fun _ -> True))
(ensures (fun _ _ _ -> True))
= push_frame (); (* pushing a new stack frame *)
let b = LowStar.Buffer.alloca 1UL 64ul in
assert (b.(42ul) = 1UL); (* high-level reasoning in F*'s logic *)
b.(42ul) <- b.(42ul) +^ 42UL;
let r = b.(42ul) in
pop_frame (); (* popping the stack frame we pushed above, *)
(* necessary for establishing Stack invariant *)
assert (r = 43UL);
uint64_t f()
uint64_t b[64U];
for (uint32_t _i = 0U; _i < (uint32_t)64U; ++_i)
b[_i] = (uint64_t)1U;
b[42U] = b[42U] + (uint64_t)42U;
uint64_t r = b[42U];
return r;
An ML-style effectful functional programming language
A semi-automated SMT-based program verifier
An interactive dependently typed proof assistant
Used successfully in security and crypto verification
miTLS: F*-verified reference implementation of TLS
HACL*: F*-verified crypto (used in Firefox and Wireguard)
Vale: F*-verified assembly language
Small exercises for the lab sessions to try out F* yourselves